Kundail and Charkushabari of Saguna Union
Chalanbil is located in Sirajganj, Pabna and Natore districts. However, the beauty of the original challan bill is in Tarash upazila of Sirajganj district. On the way from Sirajganj Road to Rajshahi Road, you will see the beauty of Chalanbil on both sides of the road.
During the monsoon season, one can observe the unimaginable and beautiful natural beauty of the historical Chalanbil from the bridge area No. 8 and 9 from Mannan Nagar on the Bishwaro (Hatikumrul-Bonpara road) and from Kundil and Charkushabari in Saguna Union.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS